Wireless Lighting System Variety Pack - TT:3mm Gauge
This amazing pack of 5 lights is fully customisable by selecting the exact lights you need for most accurate lighting on your railway. These light are part of the Wireless Lighting System, providing an easy set up and beautiful outcome for any railway.
This street lights comes with three different sizes of base, small, medium and large.
The wall mount and interior lighting come with two different size base, medium and large. If the small base is selected in the options, these lights will still come with a medium sized base.
Small base - need direct contact with the transmitter coil
Medium base - can travel up to 5mm from coil base
Large base - can travel up to 10mm from coil base
Each light comes with it's own transmitter coil which needs to be connected to the Wireless System Junction Box to work.
Buildings shown in images are Hornby Lyddle End Waiting Room, Metcalfe N Scale Church Parish Building